Rescue Hero is an exciting exploration of the little knight in the castle. This knight must carry out the task of rescuing the treasure and the princess.
These quests will take place in the castle with different levels. Your main mission is to rescue the treasure or rescue the princess. These two tasks will not appear at the same time, they will alternately appear at different levels. While completing the mission you also have to face challenges such as wolves and lava flows. You must ensure that you have destroyed all these obstacles before reaching for the treasure.
You will use the mouse and pull the pins to rescue the treasure. Before reaching the treasure you need to destroy the obstacles first. To destroy lava you open a pin containing water to turn the lava into coal. When you encounter wolves, you open a pin containing stones to destroy them, lava can also kill these wolves. In case, there is no water and stone to destroy the obstacles, you need to find another direction to be able to conquer the safe treasure. You can confine wolves and lava and get to the treasure.